9th International Navigation Forum
The central event of year in the field of the commercial use of satellite navigation technologies and, first of all, Russian navigation system GLONASS. The main purpose of the Forum is: to inform a wide audience in Russia about a current status and plans for the development of the GLONASS navigation system and foreign satellite navigation systems, state policies in the field of the commercial use of the GLONASS system in Russia and overseas, innovative technologies, up-to-date navigation equipment and services.
The program of the 9th International Navigation Forum is focused on end-users of navigation products and services, and covers all aspects of their practical use to build a successful business and enhance its efficiency.
The Forum attendees will receive detailed information about legal aspects of using satellite navigation, learn about navigation and navigation & communication equipment of leading Russian and foreign manufacturers available in the market, various industry
The Forum attendees will receive detailed information about legal aspects of using satellite navigation, learn about navigation and navigation & communication equipment of leading Russian and foreign manufacturers available in the market, various industry
applications and experience of leading companies in the practical use of navigation technologies, including Russian business cases of using satellite navigation. The breakout sessions and round-tables will cover the most current information about developed products, essential issues in the field of navigation, cartography, legal regulating. The attendees will be able to share their proposals for forming favorable conditions for the effective introduction of innovative technologies and to exchange their experience.
Target Audience:
State enterprises and organizations:
- Representatives of state agencies responsible for the implementation of the federal target program "Global Navigation System", for the development and introduction of navigation services on federal and regional levels.
- Representatives of regional, municipal and district administrations
- Rescue and emergency response services
- Passenger transport establishments
- Representatives of municipal and regional housing and communal services (Representatives of organizations responsible for trash pickup, cleanup, infrastructure repairs (electricity, gas, water)
- Land utilization control organizations Geodesy and cartography
- Representatives of air companies responsible for operations and navigation support to air transport, cargo safety and care. Flight services
- Airfield services -representatives of services responsible for using and dispatching airfield specialty vehicles
- Developers and manufacturers of subscriber equipment and system applications for this sector of the market
- Scientific research and engineering organizations working in the transport area
- Enterprises of space, aviation, ship-building, automobile industries
- Road-building and operating organizations (Representatives of these organizations responsible for vehicle operations and operational planning)
- Construction companies having big fleets of motor vehicles and specialty vehicles
- Developers and manufacturers of subscriber equipment and system applications for this sector of the market
Motor transport:
- Motor carriers and large organizations with their own motor vehicle fleets (Heads of IT departments and control centers)
- Logistics and freight companies
- Insurance companies (Heads and managers responsible for the development of new services and programs)
- Developers and manufacturers of subscriber equipment and system applications for this sector of the market
- Representatives of railway companies responsible railcar operations, cargo safety and care. Dispatcher services
- Container shipping companies
- Developers and manufacturers of subscriber equipment and system applications for this sector of the market
- Representatives of companies responsible for ship running, ship navigation safety and cargo care. Traffic control services
- Container shipping companies
- Developers and manufacturers of ship navigation equipment, shore systems, cartography
- Developers, suppliers of equipment with navigation functions for mass consumers. Dealers and trading networks
- Mobile network operators (Representatives of companies responsible for developing and delivering VAS, including LBS)
- Content providers
- Providers of security and search services
- Representatives of foreign companies developing navigation equipment and providing services based on satellite navigation