Researched & Produced by

Exhibition Organised by

Expocentre’s events provide a pathway to the Russian market for many foreign and Russian manufacturers who show the latest developments, technology and innovations. These events create the perfect environment to search for partners and beneficial business contacts, and to present new products and trademarks.
Trade shows held by Expocentre are a real locomotive of the country’s economic development. It is one of the most effective distribution channels for both Russian and foreign companies. Some shows result in signed deals worth several billion US dollars. Expocentre’s flagship events are such industry leaders as Prodexpo (food and beverages), Neftegaz (petroleum industry), Metalloobrabotka (metalworking), Mebel (furniture), Elektro (electric industry), Khimia (chemistry), Agroprodmash (food processing), Zdravookhraneniye (health care), Sviaz-Expocomm (telecommunications), Lesdrevmash (woodworking), Mir Detstva (goods for children), and Photonics. World of Lasers and Optics.
All exhibitions held by Expocentre are supported by Russian federal executive authorities and national industry associations, and enjoy auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Moscow City Government.
Expocentre is a member of such leading international associations as UFI – the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, EMECA – the European Major Exhibition Centres Association, ICCA – the International Congress and Convention Association, AIPC – the International Association of Convention Centres, IFES – the International Federation of Exhibition and Event Services, and IAEE – the International Association of Exhibitions and Events.
Operated by

A conference or other business event is a perfect opportunity to stand out among competitors for the companies whose leaders have a gust of modern market trends. The professionals know that the advertising campaign does not always increase profit and imply the increase in clients. It is a live multifaceted communication at conferences and forums that gives an opportunity to use the whole range of tools for running a successful business. It is an exchange of opinions, expreince, an opportunity to search for new solutions, useful contacts and many other things.
The professional staff of ProfConferences provides the high level of service oriented to personal standards and corporate policies of each particular client.
Strategic partner

The goal of the Partnership’s establishment is supporting the development of a competitive navigation information services sector in Russia.
GLONASS Union objectives:
supporting legislative development in the field of navigation activities;
developing a common technology policy for navigation sector;
uniting the efforts and combining the resources of public and private sectors for development and adoption of navigation products and services that use GLONASS technology in Russia and abroad;
forming a global ecosystem of developers and service and content providers that utilize GLONASS technology.
On 18th September 2012 by an order of the Government of the Russian Federation the Noncommercial Partnership was assigned the only performer of the works within the project of the building of the national automated system for road accident emergency response “ERA-GLONASS”.
Official partner

The Russian Satellite Communication Company (RSCC) is the Russian state satellite operator whose spacecraft provide a global coverage. RSCC was founded in 1967 and belongs to the ten largest world satellite operators in terms of satellites and orbital slots. Satellites located in the orbital arc from 14 West to 145 East and cover the whole territory of Russia, the CIS, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Asia Pacific region, North and South America, and Australia.
RSCC provides a full range of communications and broadcasting services using its own terrestrial engineering facilities and satellite constellation, which includes state-of-the-art satellites Express-AM, Express-A, and a part of the French 36A satellite capacity. The company’s satellites offer wide opportunities for TV & radio broadcasting, broadband Internet access, data transmission, videoconferencing, VSAT network deployment, as well as departmental and corporate communications networks worldwide. RSCC has deployed a modern ground satellite control center that is used to control and monitor the company’s own satellites, as well as Eutelsat, Intelsat and other satellites.
The company includes five Satellite Communications Centers (SCC): Dubna, Bear Lakes, Skolkovo, Zheleznogorsk and Khabarovsk, as well as the Shabolovka Technical Center in Moscow and the company’s own high-speed optical-fiber digital network.

OT is a world leader in digital security solutions for the mobility space. OT has always been at the heart of mobility, from the first smart cards to the latest contactless payment technologies which equip millions of smartphones. Present in the Payment,
Telecommunications and Identity markets, OT offers end-to-end solutions in the Smart Transactions, Mobile Financial Services,
Machine-to-Machine, Digital Identity and Transport & Access Control fields. OT employs over 6 000 employees worldwide, including
close to 700 R&D people. With more than 50 sales offices across 5 continents and 1 manufacturing hub by region, OT’s international
network serves clients in 140 countries.

With 13 years in IoT, Telit advances leadership through eight R&D centers. Telit technology has delivered innovations as ball-grid-array (BGA) modules, the Family & Unified-Form-Factor concepts and most sensitive GPS receiver. ONE STOP. ONE SHOP. offers an extensive portfolio of quality cellular, short-range, and GNSS modules in 80+ countries, 35 sales offices, 60 distributors. From business unit Telit Automotive Solutions come products including ATOP, designed specifically for Automotive OEMs. By supplying products that are scalable and interchangeable across families, technologies, and generations, customers enjoy solid design investment protection. On the mobile side of device connectivity, m2mAIR Mobile delivers value through superior performance, redundancy, and network coverage. On the Internet side, m2mAIR Cloud offers PaaS application enablement and cloud back-end integration services. Customer/design-in support is available from Telit offices, a global distributor network and 26 Competence Centers. The Technical Support Forum serves the IoT community including system integrators, developers and partners.

Russian-Belarusian group of companies NTLab, created in the late 80s, brings together a number of companies into a vertically integrated design center. It performs all stages of design: development of specialized componens (chip, systems-in-package and chipset), embedded electronic modules (OEM), complete devices and systems, including specialized software. We have extensive experience of successful projects in a wide range of micro electronics areas as well as of general and special purpose, including the satellite navigation. An integrated approach to design reduces development and implementation time and cost of the final product. Specialists of NTLab group provide support of product throughout it’s life cycle, including the modernization and adaptation to specific customer requirements.
Microelectronic components:
─ microcontroller ASIC, processor architectures, digital signal processing, processing and transmission of digital video;
─ wide-range, wideband RF ICs with frequency range from 10 MHz to 10 GHz;
─ multi-system, multi-range ASIC for satellite navigation;
─ cryptography;
─ analog-to-digital converters;
─ radio frequency identification;
─ radiation-resistant IC Design.
Designed ICs are manufactured using CMOS, SiGe BiCMOS and GaAS technologies with processes from 40 to 350 nm.
Complete hardware:
─ high-precision satellite angle measuring system;
─ high-precision multi-system multiband satellite receivers with support of RTK, DGPS modes;
─ complex inertial-satellite navigation and orientation systems of different accuracy classes on the basis of MEMS sensors and FOG;
─ digital wireless data communication system with encryption function for UAVs and ground mobile objects;
─ avionics for UAVs: flight control and navigation systems, video processing modules and registration.
Technology partner

Country: Russia
Postal address: 1 Bld. 10, 1st Volokolamsky Proezd, Moscow, Russia, 123060
Phone: 7 (495) 782-39-14
Fax: 7 (495) 782-39-15
SpaceTeam® – IT-company is the leading navigational team in the Russian transport telematics and satellite navigation market based on GLONASS/GPS technologies. SpaceTeam® holding brings together a strong team of highly skilled professionals with more than 13 years experience gained since the beginning of the Russian navigation industry. SpaceTeam® is the technological leader in the Russian transport telematics and satellite navigation market based on GLONASS/GPS technologies.
Section sponsor

Coffe-break sponsor

Orimi Trade has been consistently rated in Top 400 Russian companies by Expert magazine.
The company markets its own branded teas and coffees that boast the highest consumer awareness ratings in Russia including popular teas “The princesses” and coffee Jockey, premium tea lines Greenfield and Tess as well as Jardin premium coffee. Accordingly to the independent surveys each third cup of tea and roast coffee consumed in Russia today are products of Orimi Trade.
Orimi factory is the important asset of the company where it produces all its tea and coffee products. Orimi factory is the most technologically advanced and the largest factory of its kind in Eastern Europe.
Orimi Trade products are also sold outside Russia in EU and Eastern Europe, in the Baltic countries, USA, Canada, Israel, UAE, CIS countries.
The company was established in 1994.
Principal internet partner

It’s one of the 5 biggest Russian on-line newspapers according to the audience-rating made up by LiveInternet.RU. And is the second Russian on-line newspaper according to the citation-rating build up
Strategic Media Partner

"Herald of GLONASS" promotion offers a single platform with maximum coverage of the target audience through the use of special media resources for the different target groups.
Printed and electronic version of the journal, information and news resource on the Internet (, posting information on social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Vkontakte) newsletter by e-mail, company directory, catalog solutions, market analysis club of business communication, an annual award of the magazine.
The journal "Herald of GLONASS" - the first interdisciplinary journal in the field of practical use of the GLONASS satellite navigation technologies in different sectors of the economy and human life.
Strategic internet partner

Official media partner

Industry partner

Special partner

The Club has been founded in order to unite producers, creators, dealers, service-centers and all people who are interested in navigation. The GPS CLUB is a place of meeting and open discussion between professionals and amateurs, producers and buyers, experienced users and beginners. In its independent tests the GPS CLUB narrates users about navigation programs, maps, devices in an unprejudiced and popular manner.
Professionals for amateurs, amateurs for professionals.
International Media Partners

Regular updates on value-added news, market trends, and developments that matter to you.
Word-search and access all telit2market articles from current and back issues.
Browse a vast library of the developments that have shaped the IoT over the last decade.

Media partners

Geoprofi — the journal on a geodesy, cartography and navigation. The journal is focused on the nonproduction personnel of the industrial enterprises, developers and suppliers of the equipment, software and technologies, teachers and post-graduate students of educational institutions. In the Internet on a site the full electronic version of all numbers of journal is free of charge accessible.

Subscription index of Wireless magazine: «Rospechat agency» catalogue 36769; KSS agency, Ukraine 27005.

IKS-magazine and web-portal - effective sources of information for CIO, specialists of IT departments in large and medium-sized enterprises, as well as ICT industry specialists.
IKS- Media provides industry news, analytics, M&A, surveys and market forecasts, technologies and services, top person’s news.

An important technical feature of the journal is 3D photo projects. Each issue contains a portfolio of on-the-spot photomaterials. Photography is performed by the journal’s photographers, who go to the enterprises located in any spot of Russia and the CIS. Each issue of the journal is equipped with special 3D glasses for viewing photos.
3D photo projects outline the journal from the Mass media at different events, attract attention to the edition and allow to gain its reader. Such on-the-spot photo stories demonstrate how closely the journal cooperates with mining companies.

The journal publishes official state documents, articles, papers and synopses on actual problems of the development of navigation aids and technologies for wide range of readers. The journal also presents summaries and presentations from conferences, symposia, meetings and workshops, operating information on navigation business and novel products, status of navigation systems, institutional changes in transportation and industry, information about RPIN activities and other national navigation institutes and international organizations as International Association of Institutes of Navigation, ICAO, IMO, International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities, European Space Agency, Eurocontrol, etc. There are columns of calendars of international, national and regional events and abstracts of new books and publications.
The journal is intended for specialists in navigation of aircraft, marine and river vessels, space and terrestrial vehicles, pilot, geodetic and geoinformation support, hydrography, land utilization, geodetic survey etc.

Portal publishes a variety of materials from the biggest Russian and foreign M2M manufacturers, developers, integrators, operators.
The portal is a source of the most relevant news for all M2M experts worldwide. Every day M2M Russia News delivers to you the latest and reliable information on the scope of Machine-to-Machine and the Internet of Things. The portal aims to provide its readers with quality, skilled and useful data about events, industrial applications, development of M2M technologies in Russia and abroad.
The editorial team of professionals carefully selects, classifies and structures the most current news from the world of M2M. Along with daily news, the portal is published editorial material provided by M2M industry experts: this expert information about the current situation in the market, the prospects of the M2M sphere both in business and in technology, analytical articles and reviews, interviews and exchange of experience. “Wholesale trade – Wholesale suppliers» «Professionals of the building market» « Inform Union Groups» publishing house joined the European Association of Directory and Database Pablishers.

Radio Spectrum Independent Non-profit Organization was established by the regulation of December 15, 2010, of Roskomnadzor's Coordination Board of the Radio Frequency Service Bodies. It was registered with the Moscow Department of the Russian Ministry of Justice on December 27, 2011.
Radio Spectrum INO is:
• R-SPECTRUM, a monthly trade magazine on telecommunications and information technology
• RSPECTR.COM, a professional web portal on telecommunications, information technology, and mass communications
• Daily mass media monitoring
• Conferences and workshops
Authors of the Magazine and Portal:
Head officers and experts of:
the Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, Roskomnadzor, leading industry players, the Radio Frequency Service bodies, scientific organizations.
Pursuant to the Decision No. 09-04-08 of August 19, 2009, of the State Commission for Radio Frequencies, the R-Spectrum magazine publishes decisions of the State Commission for Radio Frequencies.

Circulation: 9 000 copies&internet-version
Distribution: free direct mailing, exhibitions

CTA PRESS has been listed in Reliable Partners' Register RF CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation cert. № 00271-000).

Aviapanorama Magazine: innovative development of aviation and astronautics, ensuring the life cycle of aerospace hardware, its fail-safe use and effective application. The character of publications is expert-analytical. Besides electronic and web issues of the magazine, its materials are posted in a number of information resources. To learn more, please see the attachment to the editor’s section on

The winner of the All-Russian contest "Roads of Russia-2014" - the magazine "Roads and Transport" is the only Russian publication covering all sectors of transport and road facilities of the Russian Federation. Provided saturated news blocks, deep analytics, high level publications, quality design layout. On its pages, readers get information about important events and emerging trends of the state policy in the transport sector, changes in the regulatory framework.
Magazine "Roads and Transport" offers great opportunities for the acquisition of new partners in the market. Publication in the publication will become the property of more than 26 000 companies included in the structure of associations and unions that are members of the TDB. The magazine is distributed in the EAEC, magazine is delivered to the heads of the subjects and the Minister addressable

«Auto Plus» is an entertaining and educational TV channel for motorists. Everything about cars, motor sports and active recreation. The most interesting and important issues, special reportages, news, educational programs and live broadcasts of world sport events of the largest racing series: F-1, DTM, WTCC and Porsche Cup, Moto GP. TV channel journalists set new speed records on asphalt, test new cars, go on exciting expeditions along endless roads of Russia.

The TV program authors and anchors are company directors, bank presidents, manufacturers and entrepreneurs, who share their experience in organizing business, discuss PRACTICAL management issues.
The TV channel’s topics are: economy and finances, marketing and advertising, business in Internet, sales management, modern technologies, company management, secrets of success from the first persons, business and society, and many others.
In the inter-program space the televiewers receive a schedule of leading business events a month ahead, advertising, TV program announcements, weather forecast.
The TV channel’s audience is around 4,500,000 subsribers.

Publication and distribution of the magazines: «Standards and Quality», «Business Excellence», «Methods of Quality Management», «Production Quality Control», and “The World of Measurement”; books including educational and training editions, CD-versions of products on standardization, metrology, certification, quality control, technical regulation, benchmarking, and ecology.

"MIS-inform" inform is full service firm specializing in telecom market investigations. Its proposes oriented for managers & marketers standard information issues and individual marketing investigations. Best prices and good quality of documents. Ready information materials are distributed, mainly, by means of e-mail. Besides, archives of news and analytical reviews are available on the site . Our subscribers are Russian first-rate telecom companies.

The purposes of magazine: maintenance of information needs of the experts in the field of designing, construction, maintenance and operation of ways of an industrial railway transportation, logistics, management of the risks connected with operation railway and motor transport, the publication of normative documents, help materials, materials on logistics, safety of transportations, the analysis of events and tendencies of the markets.

- the examination of the state and prospects of the market of information and telecommunication technologies
- the experience of information and communication in the fields and departments
- modern business technologies provided by leading integrators, vendors, suppliers of solutions
- art company management
- opinions and recommendations of specialists.

- consultation on logistics, transportation of cargo to Russia, Europe, Asia, America
- consultations on transport services - customs, consolidation, warehousing services

Today the company acts as an informational partner of different industrial and specialized events and also publishes its own analytical edition “NIE Journal”. The network possesses finished programs of business development in Russia, in the territory of the Common Economic Space (CES) and member countries of the World Trade Organization (WTO). The network of international experts includes more than 150 experts from around the world: Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Croatia, the United Arab Emirates, the USA, Spain, Argentine, Slovenia, Iran, China and others.

The magazine is addressed to those, who make decisions: both enterprise and agency executives and telecommunications engineers.
Distribution: targeted emailing, handouts at industry exhibitions (in Moscow and regions), subscription.
Periodicity: 6 issues a year, circulation of 4,000 copies
The publisher is Technosphera advertising and publishing center

Business Connection combines several channels of business communications - В2В, В2С, B2G, G2B and G2G. This is a publication for business people covering various issues of business and economy, providing up-to-date information interesting for business people. Business Connection is an information business resource and effective information, expert, advertisement and image platform for business and authorities.
Business Connection is the most vital topics, key issues of economy development and tis vector, interviews with leading representatives of the business community – business and authorities, expert opinions and author’s articles.
We put emphasis on issues of investments, innovations and new technologies, regional development, international cooperation, finances, management, HR, science, education, successful experience of companies and regions.

- Complex information services to players of the market; – A platform for your advertising and publishing your scientific articles; – Up-to-date information at firsthand about important events of the market; – Information support to industry events in Russia and CIS; – Specialized publications for professionals of the ICT market.
- Weekly bulletin “Operator. Communications News” – a brief review of events on the information and communication market, keeping its subscribers updated on current events and oncoming trends.
- Information and analytic digest “ Mobile Communication and WBA Market” – a highly specialized digest introducing its subscribers to the full picture of events on the market.