For Sponsors
Use the unique opportunity to be a sponsor of the 9th International Navigation Forum, prove your company’s leading position.
Main Reasons to Become a Sponsor of the Forum:
Main Reasons to Become a Sponsor of the Forum:
- Unique audience: representatives of federal and regional government authorities of the Russian Federation, delegates of leading Russian and foreign companies working in the field of navigation and relevant industries, Russian and foreign experts
- High level of the event organizing
- Demonstration of your products and services to decision-makers
- Large-scale integrated marketing program
- Company’s successful brand image
- Direct presentation of services for your target audience
- Complex program of promoting and positioning your company as a leader and active player of the navigation market.
- Advertising campaign with the use of different promotion tools (print media, web-sites, social networks, newsletters, official documents)
- Establishing long-term and exclusive relationships with industry market actors
- Consolidating your company’s Sponsor/Partner position at the main navigation industry event of the year.
To learn more, please contact the Executive Director

Julia Morozova
tel./fax: + 7 (495) 641 57 17