JSC (CT) “VEKTOR” Specialized Developmental Center Measurement Means and Systems

The R&D centre for systems and tools of measurement “Vector” was established in 2004. It is part of the “Capital Trust Company “Soyuz” (STK “Soyuz”) group, which hosts innovative and rapidly developing companies that operate in close partnership with the “FUNDSERVICEBANK” investment enterprise, the latter being strategically oriented at supporting the high-tech sector of the Russian economy.
The company’s science-intensive products employ information, telecommunication, and navigation technologies, the focus being on development, implementation, and operation support of navigation information systems (NIS) and specialized communication systems, as well as systems for high-accuracy navigation and frequency and time synchronisation equipment.
The company`s main activities and directions:
— Researching and developing in telecommunications, navigation, and IT;
— Navigation Information Systems for objects’ location and technical condition monitoring;
— Real-time and post-processing systems and on-board navigation units for high-accuracy positioning;
— On-board navigation units integrated with inertial navigation units;
— Frequency and time synchronisation equipment;
— Coordinated Universal Time indication units;
— Measurement instruments for the Russian Department of Defence testing areas;
— Active and passive RFID-based systems for indoor monitoring of objects and staff
— Systems for wireless control of human psychophysical conditions;
— Personal mobile communication systems for noise-immune secure transmission of multimedia data, employing mesh networking on the basis of a software-defined radio (SDR) platform;
— Systems for radioactive substance and waste management;
— Compact specialized modules (data protection in communication channels; authentication of users in communication systems; RF-modules for standard communication networks; etc.).
The R&D centre for systems and tools of measurement “Vector” provides a full cycle of services with regards to the above directions — from problem statement and research through to servicing of the supplied products.
Company has developed and implemented an automated system for satellite monitoring (ASSM) of mobile objects’ locations for the Russian Department for Defence and Department of Internal Affairs and delivered measurement instruments for the Russian Department of Defence testing areas.
Reytor Konstantin