EFO Ltd. has been distributing electronic components in Russian market since 1991. At present EFO has an official distributorship and partnership agreements with many manufactures worldwide.
EFO specializes in supply of semiconductors (PLDs, MCUs, memories, discrete semiconductor devices etc.), fiber optics components, factory automation systems and components, electromechanical components, machine control systems, cases, wireless solutions, components for power electronics. Wide range of supplied products is the result of company’s marketing strategy to provide full range of necessary parts for large and middle-sized Russian manufactures.
In August 2003 EFO Ltd. became an ISO 9001 certificated company. The certificate confirms that quality management system is applied to distribution of electronic components, industrial automation systems, wireless solutions and fiber optic components and complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. EFO has IQNet certificate as well.
Technical support is an important aspect of EFO’s activity. Customers are welcome to take advantage of professional assistance of EFO specialists in selecting product configuration and getting recommendations on its usage. The Company organizes seminars and trainings in various Russian cities, publishes manuals and reference books.
In cooperation with some Moscow and St. Petersburg universities EFO has organized several specialized training and technical support centers for our customers.
EFO has 115 highly qualified employees, 12 of them are PhDs.
Krivchenko Tatiana