Research Institute of Applied Telematics, Ltd (SpaceTeam® holding)

NII of Applied Telematics — the research organization and the system integrator which is carrying out activity in the field of applied development on the basis of modern information, telecommunication technologies and technologies of satellite navigation of GLONASS and GPS for innovative development and modernization of a transport complex of the Russian Federation, increase of transit appeal of Russia, ensuring and safety on transport.
The main activities of the NII of Applied Telematics:
— Navigation and information system for monitoring and control in the transport sector;
— Intelligent transport systems of cities and regions;
— Development and expertise in the normative and technical regulation;
— Scientific and technical consulting and industry research and technical expertise in the use of satellite navigation technologies.
NII of Applied Telematics offers a wide range of industry navigation products and provides a full technological cycle of complex automated navigation and information systems — from a survey of facilities and design to commissioning and maintenance.
Base of scientific and technical potential of the NII of Applied Telematics is highly qualified top managers, scientists, engineers, analysts and programmers with more than 13 years of experience in the navigation industry.
NII of Applied Telematics is a member SpaceTeam® — Russian Innovation Holding, a leading vendor and system integrator in the market of transport telematics and satellite navigation.
Kandaurov Alexander