Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Agricultural Academy named after К. А. Тimiriazev

The Federal State Budget Educational Establishment of Higher Professional Education ‘Russian State Agrarian University — MAA named after К. А. Тimiriazev’ is one of the oldest universities in Russia, boasting its rich history and long-established academic traditions, impressive educational and research potentials, and vast opportunities for self-fulfillment. .
The University is enlisted in the State Index of the Valuable Objectives of the Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.
The University acquired the status of the basic organization of the CIS in training, professional advancement and re-training of faculty in the field of agrarian education. .
MAA is a unique blend of training, production and research. The University is one of the leaders in innovations; it trains top-level professionals who are offered under-graduate, graduate and further education courses.
Shulga Evgeny