Non-commercial Partnership for Development and Use of Navigation Technologies (GLONASS Union)
Strategic partner

The Noncommercial Partnership for Development and Use of Navigation Technologies (GLONASS Union)” was established on 25th May 2012. The founders of the Partnership were leading companies of the navigation and information markets: Yandex Ltd., OJSC “Navigation-information systems”, OJSC “RTKomm.RU”, OJSC “MTS”, OJSC “VympelKom”, OJSC “MegaFon”, Summa Telecom Ltd. and the Association “GLONSS/GNSS-Forum”.
The goal of the Partnership’s establishment is supporting the development of a competitive navigation information services sector in Russia.
The goal of the Partnership’s establishment is supporting the development of a competitive navigation information services sector in Russia.
GLONASS Union objectives:
supporting legislative development in the field of navigation activities;
developing a common technology policy for navigation sector;
uniting the efforts and combining the resources of public and private sectors for development and adoption of navigation products and services that use GLONASS technology in Russia and abroad;
forming a global ecosystem of developers and service and content providers that utilize GLONASS technology.
On 18th September 2012 by an order of the Government of the Russian Federation the Noncommercial Partnership was assigned the only performer of the works within the project of the building of the national automated system for road accident emergency response “ERA-GLONASS”.
Meilikhov Evgeny
“ERA-GLONASS as a factor of the automotive telematics market development ”
Round table: “ERA-GLONASS. New business platforms”
Gurko Alexander
Topic to be confirmed
Plenary Session “The Navigation Market — Reload. New Routes”
Gladkih Victor
“Emergency Response Services Devices/Systems Certification”
Section: “Navigation activity regulatory support”
Kochergina Ekaterina
“Everything flows – everything changes”
Section: “Navigation activity regulatory support”