International motor rally under GLONASS control

9 July 2014
On July 7 the international motor rally, devoted to the 150 year anniversary of the Korean voluntary migration to Russia and the 130 year anniversary of establishing diplomatic relationships between Russia and Korea, started from Moscow. One of the rally goals is to give additional push to implementing joint projects in business, scientific, cultural, educational and other fields of the cooperation between Russia and Korea. Beside this, the motor rally will serve to strengthening good-neighborly relations of Russia with Central Asia countries - Kazakhstan, Kirghizia and Uzbekistan, as well as to introducing to the history.
The Motor Rally "Russia-Korea 2014" will take place on July 7 - August 25, 2014. Within a month and a half the travelers cover the territory of Russia and countries of North-East Asia en route: Moscow- Tashkent - Alma-Ata - Novosibirsk - Vladivostok - Pyongyang - Seoul.
The organizers and participants of the motor rally are the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry for Development of Russian Far East, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Tourism, the Russian Geographical Society, the All-Russia Association of Koreans (AAK), Moscow office of AAK, the National Cultural Autonomy of Koreans of Moscow Region, with support from the Embassies of Korea, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia and Uzbekistan in Russia.
The rally participants are representatives of regional Korean public associations and devisions of AAK, public organizations of other countries.
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