SpaceTeam® Holding is the Technological Partner of the Forum

5 February 2015
SpaceTeam® is the innovative holding, the leading team on the satellite navigation market in Russia, the technological leader uniting high-class professionals with experience and competencies gained over 13 years since the beginning of the Russian navigation industry.SpaceTeam® Product Line:
Onboard GLONASSGPS navigation and communication equipment
Transport monitoring software products for the trade and logistics, the oil and gas industry, the mining industry, the agricultural sector, the car industry, the construction industry, health services, housing and communal services, passenger and cargo vehicles, air transport etc.
Software bundles for creating regional navigation and information systems (RNIS) and regional navigation and information centers (RNIC)
Intelligent transport systems (ITS) and adaptive traffic management systems (ATMS)
Regional, agency and corporate vehicle monitoring and management systems
Systems of control and supervision of following the rules of transportations of passengers, hazardous, heavy-weight and heavy-bulk cargos
Safety, surveillance and information systems for passenger transport
High accuracy monitoring systems based on satellite navigation
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