Balabanov Victor

Balabanov Victor Ivanovich — the head of the department “Technologies and cars in plant growing” Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University”, the head of subcommittee (SC8) “Radio navigational means and control systems in agriculture” Technical committee TC 363 of “Radionavigation” of Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart), the Doctor of Engineering, professor, the full member of the International academy of problems of quality.
Results of scientific researches of V. I. Balabanov 20 monographs, textbooks, manuals, scientific publications and popular scientific books, and also 25 descriptions of inventions are stated in 285 scientific and methodical works, from them.
Under the leadership of V. I. Balabanov within SC8 “Radio Navigational Means and Control Systems in Agriculture” development of the national GLONASS standards for coordinate agriculture is conducted.
In 2014 on “Technologies and Cars in Plant Growing” chair of RGAU-MSHA of name K. A. Timiryazeva for the first time in the Russian Federation under the leadership of V. I. Balabanov is open the master program “Technologies and Machinery in Coordinate Agriculture”.
The main objective of subcommittee is development of standards and the leading documents, and also consultation of works on navigation systems on the basis of GLONASS in agriculture.
The organizational structure of subcommittee consisting of representatives of scientific institutions, higher educational institutions, producers of agricultural machinery and navigation equipment, and also the advanced agrarian enterprises using navigation in the economic activity is created.
So far there passed the statement two national standards: GOST R 56084-2014. "Global navigation satellite system. System of navigation information support of coordinate agriculture. Terms and definitions" and GOST R 56054-2014. "System of navigation information support of coordinate agriculture. Appointment, structure and characteristics of the onboard navigation and coherent equipment of telematic systems of monitoring and scheduling of agricultural machinery".
In total development and commissioning of the complex consisting of 14 national standards is planned for the period till 2020.