Mikhaylov Nikolay

Science director, Foundation for development of the New Technologies Development and Commercialization Centre
Nikolay Mikhaylov is a high-tech entrepreneur and scientist. He founded successful high-tech start-ups in the US, Germany and Russia. After making his Ph. D. in Germany he worked in Germany and Belgium as a telecom consultant. In 1997 he joined Daimler-Benz Aerospace Agency to lead German-Russian project on the development of the first GPS/GLONASS receiver for civil aviation. He came back to Russia to establish SoftNav — privately owned scientific-based company that was doing GNSS research and development for European companies. In 5 years Soft Nav co-developed a number of world’s first and Europe first satellite navigation receivers for civil avionics and space applications. In 2005 the development team has successfully completed one of the most challenging GPS projects — low-cost, low-power high sensitivity receiver. After the receiver technology was licensed to Mstar Semiconductor, Taiwan based multinational fables semiconductor company, Nikolay took part in the industrialization of the technology and in successful market launch of Mstar GPS chipsets.
Nikolay authored two books about satellite navigation, several US patents and over 50 papers on GNSS signal processing, GNSS receiver architecture and autonomous navigation of satellite vehicles with GNSS. Apart from Master in radio engineering and Ph. D. in Physics, in May 2010 Nikolay got the Executive MBA degree from HEC Paris. He is an associate professor in St. Petersburg University of Aircraft Instrumentation, he teaches satellite navigation.
Nikolay authored two books about satellite navigation, several US patents and over 50 papers on GNSS signal processing, GNSS receiver architecture and autonomous navigation of satellite vehicles with GNSS. Apart from Master in radio engineering and Ph. D. in Physics, in May 2010 Nikolay got the Executive MBA degree from HEC Paris. He is an associate professor in St. Petersburg University of Aircraft Instrumentation, he teaches satellite navigation.