Shubenkov Vasily

Born Marсh 4, 1985 in Moscow.
In 2007 graduated from the Moscow State Forest University, specialty “Applied Mathematics”.
From 2005-2012 has held engineer Information and Analysis Center for Positioning, Navigation and Timing Central Research Institute for Machine Building, Federal State Unitary Enterprise. Since 2012 works as the Head of Department NII of Applied Telematics.
Hobby: mountain skiing, tennis, volleyball.
Modern road is a complex structure which includes a large number of artificial constructions such as bridges, tunnels etc. that are in some cases in contact with landslide geological arrays.
Each of these constructions is an engineering design, operation of which, on the one hand, is a mandatory process to ensure the required level of safety, and on the other hand, is a complex set of organizational and technical measures to maintain the technical condition proving the needed level of security, as well as to provide the specified quality characteristics of transport processes. According to the Federal Law “On Transport Security”, all transport infrastructure, objects of communication, navigation and vehicle motion control systems, along with buildings, structures, devices and equipment for the operation of transport complex, are the subjects of the security of transport processes. To date, virtually the entire list of these objects includes complex engineering structures that require permanent monitoring of their technical and operational status and reliable prediction of their safety level. Such problems can not be effectively solved without specialized control systems being built. Obtaining of to-date information on the deformation and displacement of structural elements with the help of continuously operated automated control systems of transport infrastructure built on an integrated use of high-precision methods of GLONASS / GPS can help to reliably determine the level of security and to take timely action to prevent dangerous and emergency situations. The urgency of addressing the problems of transport infrastructure objects automated control, using the whole range of innovative technologies, is due to the fact that these objects are most widespread in road infrastructure and that their technical condition has a direct impact on traffic safety.