Omelnitskiy Boris

Boris Omelnitskiy is an expert on digital advertising technologies and entrepreneur.
During last 15 years have been developing the infrastructure and standards of Russian digital marketing by holding a sectorial conferences as еTarget, RIF, RIW, MIXX Russia and participating in work of IAB Russia. Also giving courses of Internet marketing in GUU (State University of Management) and HSE (High School of Economic). Mr. Omelnitskiy is a co-author of the book “Digital context advertising” (2009, Moscow).
Boris Omelnitskiy is the Chief Development Officer of the Russian technological company ADFOX, that provides independent technologies for advertising management, programmatic buying, ad campaigns optimization and analysis for all online advertising industry players: publishers, networks, advertisers and agencies, since 2005.
Boris Omelnitskiy is the president of the Interactive Advertising Bureau Russia, the national association for interactive marketing, affiliated with worldwide IAB trade association.
The IAB Russia represents leading interactive companies on Russian market. Among its members are Yandex, Rambler-Afisha-SUP, Google Russia, VI, Begun, ADFOX, RosBusinessConsulting, Internest, TNS Russia, ComScore.