Panev Alexey

PhD in Physics and Mathematics at Moscow State University, Senior researcher at Laboratory of Control and Navigation. More than 15 publications and reports on specialized conferences. More than 8 years of working experience in software development for mobile complexes’ navigation.
There are several ways to solve the navigation problem in case GNSS signal is absent or unstable (urban canyons, mountainous terrain, “underground” navigation). Traditionally in the defense industry for these purposes the inertial navigation systems aided by satellite receivers or odometers are used. But there is another approach which requires an installation of local not-GNSS beacons. Particular emphasis in this report will be made on the examples of industrial use of beacons built on the basis of BLE devices.
There are several ways to solve the navigation problem in case GNSS signal is absent or unstable (urban canyons, mountainous terrain, “underground” navigation). Traditionally in the defense industry for these purposes the inertial navigation systems aided by satellite receivers or odometers are used. But there is another approach which requires an installation of local not-GNSS beacons. Particular emphasis in this report will be made on the examples of industrial use of beacons built on the basis of BLE devices.