Tabarovskiy Oleg

Oleg Tabarovsky has vast experience in successful creation and promotion of major innovative projects. Since 1992 he has been developing and implementing first test parts of Russian IP-based networks. He worked as a head of network control center of JSC “Relcom”, one of early Russian Internet service providers. He participated in creating of .RU domain and technological infrastructure for maintaining it, and in foundation of MSK-IX, the Moscow Internet Exchange.
He is one of the first in Russia who granted the status of Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE No1581), globally recognized highest qualification in the area of network technologies.
He has been awarded the honorary certificate of Minister of Telecommunications of the Russian Federation.
Over many years he has been working as the technical director for CJSC “AMT Group”, one of the oldest and largest system integrators in Russia. The last 5 years he was entirely focused on the dynamic area of indoor positioning systems and design of integrated RTLS systems. Extensive project experience in system integration allows to solve complex problems lie at the intersection of different disciplines inherent to such systems.
He is an active member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Institute of Navigation (ION).
He got his MS degree from Moscow Aviation Institute, faculty of aerospace vehicles control systems, with degree of electronics engineer.
In recent years one could see explosive growth of interest in positioning technologies from various types of businesses. Unavailability of satellite navigation in indoor areas affects further penetration of positioning applications. Indoor positioning can be divided into two groups based on client groups: consumer oriented navigation for smart phones and similar devices in shopping malls, airports, etc. and technology for enterprise, which presents information on staff member location, position of machinery or equipment, vehicle, etc., based on the determination of the location of a tag, attached to the person or object. Different indoor positioning technologies have different properties and scenario of use. Each business application dictates the requirements for the properties and parameters of positioning technologies: positioning accuracy for still and in motion object, immunity to interference and multipath signal, the maximum number of tags in a limited area, battery lifetime, the presence of additional sensors. This report outlines the main properties of the signal and modulation used in the UWB positioning systems. It is shown how these properties are beneficially used in a complete positioning system. Then UWB systems based on ToA and TDoA measurements are discussed and time synchronization methods for TDoA systems shown. Coordinates filtering for UWB systems based on the different KF and KF interactive banks is demonstrated. Author make a conclusion that the indoor positioning system based on UWB and modern electronic components are usually optimal for business applications comparing their performance and value.