Muravyev Alexei

Born 21.09.1956 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow institute of radio engineering, electronics and automatic equipment. After the termination of institute worked as the engineer in scientific research institute “Titan” in Moscow.
Served more than 30 years in Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Since June 1, 2010 to the present — the chief of office of perspective development of JSC Design Office of Navigation Systems, the chief of the device of the Chief designer of navigation user equipment, the head of the secretariat of Council of chief designers of the enterprises of developers and producers of NUE.
The present moment of development of coordinate and time and navigation providing (CTNP) can be considered as a stage of high-precision navigation.
The perspective samples of navigation means reached high level precision and reliability characteristics and drive products of the previous generations out of the market.
The leading role in this process is played by roughly progressing means of CTNP opening to consumers the opportunity for high-precision navigation and construction on its basis of highly effective complexes and systems in various and extending scopes.
At the same time, using high-precision navigation means also the complex of the problems connected with need of accurate standard and legal support of activity of the enterprises, organizations and services which are engaged in the activity interfaced to safe service of consumers, observance of the principles of national security, technological independence extends.
An important role in this process is played by conditions and guarantees of providing navigation services to consumers from head provider — the states and the organizations which are specially appointed by it.