Postnikov Mikhail

Born January 7, 1985 in Moscow.
In 2008 graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University, specialty “Automated Information Processing and Management.”
From 2008 to 2013 worked in the group of companies “M2M telematics”, occupying the post of technician to the head of department of introduction and technical support. Participated in the implementation and technical support of large-scale projects to develop fleet management systems in various regions of Russia, including the introduction of GLONASS technologies in dispatch сenters of Kaluga, Ryazan, Saratov, Saransk, Cheboksary and others.
From 2013 the head of the implementation and technical support in CT Technology (included SpaceTeam® holding).
Son Kirill.
Hobbies: football, basketball
General trends in the transport monitoring systems.
The benefits of cloud solutions.
From the first meeting to the real work.
Difficulties in implementing major projects.
Key “for” and “against”.