Ad Bastiaansen

Has over 35 year’s experience in international business
development at a global level. Over the years he has established
a successful track record in creating new strategic business
opportunities and adding momentum to existing business.;
including Strategic Alliances and M&A. For about two decades Mr.
Bastiaansen was committed to the successful establishment and
development of Tele Atlas worldwide and gained extensive
experience in digital map databases; Location Based Services and
As ownership of Tele Atlas was changing Mr. Bastiaansen founded iLOC-Group and focused
his global investment- and management support activities on location-based-solutions and
geographic databases. In this context Mr. Bastiaansen is convinced that " location " is an
important access point to information.
In parallel Mr. Bastiaansen has served on several boards of industrial fora; a/o Europe’s
Intelligent Transport System organization ( Ertico ) and ITS World working to increase industry
Mr. Bastiaansen holds a Masters degree in Business Administration and a Bachelors degree in