Mokhov Vadim

Mokhov Vadim Valerievich was born on 24.10.1982 in Tomsk.
In 2004 graduated from the Tomsk polytechnical university, specialty “Automatic control in electric power systems.”
In 2008 graduated with distinction from the TPU, specialty “Economy and management at the enterprise”.
October 2010 — present. Founder and co-owner of the “RosInno” Ltd.
2008 — 2011. Founder and owner of “Kassir” street payment terminals network .
“Kassir” network has achieved 100% coverage of street payment terminal market in Tomsk in several years. The company was sold to a strategic investor.
2002 −2008. Founder and owner of the Internet service provider “MultiGrad,” Tomsk.
Social activities:
2004 — 2007. Assistant to the Chairman of Tomsk Duma.
2007 — 2008. Advisor to the Mayor of Tomsk.
Football, music, travelling
TransportTV is an open platform for providing multimedia and infocommunication services in public transport. TransportTV project is aimed to become a driving force in the development of effective, modern multimedia services for “smart” transportation. The system is designed as the distributed infrastructure with wide opportunities of integration with third-party hardware and software systems.
The report provides a general description of the system, a description and trends of the market of infotainment systems in transportation, business model and the current status of the project.