Kandaurov Alexander

Born May 12, 1957 in Samara region.
In 1979 graduated with honors from the Military Academy named after FE Dzerzhinsky on a specialty “Electronic computing machinery”.
In 2001 ended courses of retraining of the Moscow academy of the public and municipal administration of the Russian academy of public service at the President of the Russian Federation on a specialty “State and municipal management”.
In 2006 successfully defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the field of automated control systems.
Scientific activity — since 1988, the author more than 70 scientific works.
In 1979-2008 — Service in the Armed Forces, including in research organizations.
In 2008-2011 — Head of Laboratory, the Deputy chief of division of the State research institute of aviation systems (GosNIIAS).
In 2011-2013 — Deputy (for Science) of director of Service of development of products and services of “M2M telematics” group.
From March 2013 — Deputy (for Science ) of General Director of the NII of Applied Telematics (included in SpaceTeam® holding).
Has two sons. Hobby: football.
Full-scale introduction of systems of global satellite navigation opened essentially new opportunities of monitoring of mobile objects. Therefore the greatest rates of introduction of technologies of satellite navigation are reached in the transport sphere.
Fundamental documents of standard and legal support of introduction of the GLONASS/GPS technologies in the motor transport:
Technical regulations of the Customs union “About safety of wheel vehicles”;
resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.08.2008 No. 641 and of 21.12.2012 No. 1367,
the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2012 No. 285;
a complex of national standards of the “Global Navigation Satellite System” series.
At the same time, experience of work on introduction of satellite navigation technologies on transport, creation of navigation-information systems of different function showed existence of common problems of both organizational and legal, and normative and technical character.
Problems of organizational and legal character includes uncertainty of legal support of an order of equipment of vehicles by the equipment of satellite navigation and use of monitoring information when performing control functions.
Ambiguity of terminology and lag in development of standards belong to problems of normative and technical character.
The major steps in the solution of these problems includes modification of the federal law “About navigation activity” and the approval of the national standards defining requirements to functionality and technical characteristics of the equipment of satellite navigation and regional navigation and information systems.