Reytor Konstantin

Mr. Konstantin Ivanovich Reytor was born on February 08, 1963 at Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1988 he graduated from legal faculty of Kazakh National University in the city of Almaty.
Since 1988 for 2003 he had served at military justice authorities (Office of Military Prosecutor and legal services of Ministry of Justice as assistant of Legal Work Association Commander, criminal investigative officer, military prosecutor assistant, head of separate subdivisions of Central Executive Office of Military Prosecutor etc.). Coauthored with officers of Research and Development Institute of Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation he had prepared two guidance manuals on prosecutor supervision issues. He has publications on arms traffic and military technical cooperation issues.
Since 2003 at the military discharge from service he worked at different commercial organizations in the city of Moscow as head of its legal services (leasing, trade factoring and management companies; business company, subsidiary company of Gazprom OJSC; research manufacturing company etc.).
Since 2011 until the present time he has worked as the head of legal department of Joint-Stock Company “Specialized Experimental Systems and Measuring Instruments Design Office “Vektor” (JSC Experimental Design Office “Vektor”) in the city of Moscow. In addition to the other official duties he performs scientific research on regulatory affairs in coordinate entrusted and navigational support including GLONASS usage. The results of his researches are used at final records of scientific research ordered by the Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation within the execution of GLONASS Federal Target Program.
Mr. Konstantin Ivanovich Reytor is fully engaged in the activities of GLONASS/GNSS-Forum Association which member is JSC Experimental Design Office “Vektor”.
Regulatory framework of satellite navigation is actively developing since 2007, when Presidential Decree no. 638 “The use of global navigation satellite GLONASS system for the social and economic development of the Russian Federation” was adopted.
Over the past period since the Decree about 650 regulations acts (legal and technical) were published on this subject at all levels, including regional. The continuing increase in the array of GLONASS regulations affect negatively on the quality of legal regulation of the social relations.
It is possible to ascertain the presence of significant deficiencies in regulatory activities of GLONASS as:
1) low quality of the normative documents content, including secure a number of key terms and their definitions;
2) weakness or lack of system linkages between the normative documents on GLONASS and acts of other coordinate-time and navigation support system (CTNSS) segments, such as surveying, mapping, time measurement; lack of factual normative systemic regulation act on CTNSS;
3) inconsistent procedure of determination the executive bodies authority in the regulation of GLONASS requirements to federal laws, including, constitutional;
4) non-observance the principles and norms of the legislation on technical regulation in applying acts on GLONASS;
5) lack of systemic rulemaking planning in GLONASS at all levels of government and appropriate coordination of such activity, primarily between the federal bodies.
Solution of these problems is seen in the adoption of codified act of legislation with the working title “Navigation Code”. The whole system of social relations in the field of CTNSS could be the subject of this act as a special and important sphere of activity in social and economic development of the Russian Federation and ensuring its security.