Denisenko Oleg

In 1995 was graduated from the Mozhaisky Military Space Academy
From 1995 to 2010 he worked in the FBE “GNMC of Ministry of Defense” (formerly the FSE “32 GNIII of Ministry of Defense ”) on the positions from the junior research associate to the head of the section.
In 2001 he defended his candidate dissertation.
In 2010 he defended his doctoral dissertation.
Starting from 09.2011 he works in the FSUE “VNIIFTRI” on the post of the Deputy Director General, Head of Research Department for the development and operation of means of metrological assurance for coordinate-temporal and navigation systems.
Normative regulation of measurements uniformity when using GNSS consumer navigation equipment.
O. Denisenko, I. Silvestrov, V. Fedotov, A. Frolov
As of today the GNSS consumer navigation equipment (hereinafter CNE), as well as the systems based on it, is the key element for the implementation of many federal and regional programs aimed at economic development of the Russian Federation. At the same time, normative regulation of CNE application is implemented by various regulatory legal acts, including Federal Law of 14 February 2009 N 22-FZ " On Navigation Activities" and Federal Law of 26 June 2008 N 102-FZ “On Assurance of Measurement Uniformity”.
The following report addresses main provisions of normative regulation for measurement uniformity in the field of CNE and systems based on it.
In accordance with the definition, set in GOST R 52928-2010 for GNSS consumer navigation equipment, and definitions, set in the Federal Law № 102-FZ, CNE is a measuring instrument.
At the same time the application of a wide range of CNE and systems based on it (including the satellite navigation equipment, installed on the vehicle in accordance with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011, the systems (devices) for calling of emergency services, installed on the vehicle in accordance with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011, as well as the onboard devices operating with the use of GLONASS signals and designed for receiving the measurement data necessary for the calculation of the payment paid by carriers using vehicles having a permissible maximum mass exceeding 12 tonnes on roads of federal significance) reside in the field of the state regulation of measurements uniformity. Therefore, these device have to tests for the purpose of type approval as well as verification.
In addition, the report examines the current and future technical means to ensure uniformity of measurements in the application of CNE.